EAGA mulls joint fishery development framework to sustain tuna breeding grounds
DAVAO CITY --- With the rising concern on global issues like climate change and its impact on biodiversity and marine resources, member countries of the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-the Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) are deliberating on a draft framework for joint fisheries development in support of policies that call for the sustainable management of tuna spawning grounds in the Coral Triangle. With the help of the German Technical Cooperation, an initial draft of the MOA prepared by the Philippine EAGA Working Group on Fisheries is now being reviewed and finalized by the member countries. The proposed framework, in the form of a Memorandum of Agreement, will establish the concept of a fisheries consortium among fishing industry stakeholders in the BIMP- EAGA. The proposed consortium is seen as a forum that facilitates discussion of issues on fisheries development as well as opportunities such as access to technology, access to market, access to funding, capaci...