Thanks Giving Day in Zamboanga

ZAMBONGA CITY (Maybreak / Nov. 23, 06) - Turkey, any one? Not now, but soon this Asia's Latin City may adopt American tradition in celebrating Thanks Giving Day.
This as the city and the government environment agency put a premium in protecting the city's watershed with an agreement.

US Ambassador Kristie Kenney signed an agreement that would help protect the city's 56,239 hectares of watersheds.

“I can’t think of a better way to celebrate (Thanks Giving) than in joining our hands together as one family not only protect the water system," according to Kenney who lauded the effort in protecting the mother nature.

Mayor Celso Lobregat said the support to the city's effort is indeed a fitting way of giving thanks to the nature and the program was timely as the Americans are celebrating the most special holiday.

Kenney also joined the US forces who are based here with the turkey, a traditional treat for the Thanks Giving Day.


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